Pet Peeves

Drink a cup o' joe. Works for me.
I usually only get migraines from caffeine withdrawal. It's really bad.
That’s interesting!

For some reason I thought they were from drinking coffee.

Now that I think about it though, I take a supplement that’s really helped with my migraines and it has some caffeine in it, I think.
That’s interesting!

For some reason I thought they were from drinking coffee.

Now that I think about it though, I take a supplement that’s really helped with my migraines and it has some caffeine in it, I think.
They are from caffeine, for some people. Everyone's trigger is different. If you suffer from them, the best thing to do is keep a food diary so you can look back and see what you've eaten. You might find a pattern and be able to stop getting them. For me, aspartame gives me migraines. So does stress, being out in the sun too much, wearing hats, and the barometric pressure changes. I've also noticed that I get a migraine if I've spent a lot of time out shopping. Yup, shopping. Still trying to figure that one out
They are from caffeine, for some people. Everyone's trigger is different. If you suffer from them, the best thing to do is keep a food diary so you can look back and see what you've eaten. You might find a pattern and be able to stop getting them. For me, aspartame gives me migraines. So does stress, being out in the sun too much, wearing hats, and the barometric pressure changes. I've also noticed that I get a migraine if I've spent a lot of time out shopping. Yup, shopping. Still trying to figure that one out
I get headaches if I wear headbands. And if I wear a baseball cap I have to make sure it's loose enough otherwise it will give me a headache too.
Maybe the shopping one is from all the visual stimulus? Numbers, price tags, people whizzing by...
That’s interesting!

For some reason I thought they were from drinking coffee.

Now that I think about it though, I take a supplement that’s really helped with my migraines and it has some caffeine in it, I think.
Yes, like Triplet said, it’s different for a lot of people.
Some get headaches from drinking caffeine. I am the opposite.

I began drinking coffee years back and soon it became an addiction. Just like there are withdrawal symptoms from cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and alcohol, people get headaches when they don’t get a cup of coffee because their bodies are so used to the caffeine they’ve been putting inside it regularly.
I get headaches if I wear headbands. And if I wear a baseball cap I have to make sure it's loose enough otherwise it will give me a headache too.
Maybe the shopping one is from all the visual stimulus? Numbers, price tags, people whizzing by...
That makes sense. Shopping or walking around the city at night also gives me headaches.

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