Pet Peeves

Interesting, I'm from a military background and the south. I have not seen the same level of offense from men. Though I can see it, somewhat, if one is near a military base. After all, the normal response from any sergeant to an enlisted that calls them "Sir" is "Sir!, What do you mean, Sir? I work for a living." Because, of course, commissioned officers do no work. :)
Maybe it is regional. My hubby trained in the South and said it is just a bunch of nice folks down there with true manners and hospitality. I live in the NW.. maybe people get too offended easily up here :confused:
Not justifying, but just commenting: Is it possible that the gentle touch in close quarters is to acknowledge your presence? Sort of I'm here in this tight space, but I'm not coming any closer? Sort of a way to maintain some distance even though uncomfortably close?
Yes and that is understandable but not always the case. Usually you can get people's attention by simply saying "excuse me" rather than touching someone suddenly.
I'm new here and all, but, sometimes? :)
sassy sarah silverman GIF by HULU

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