Pet Peeves

On a scale of Innocent to Moony, Azur is probably a 4 or 5
Thats my secret. I just keep it bottled up.
angry the avengers GIF
This is the new one :hit. I don't know what it is with Doctors anymore. The thing is they find something wrong but they don't put in the effort to figure out what is causing the entire problem.
They seem to be either be lazy as heck or just plain stupid. I fire one go to the next they find a piece of the puzzle then stop. I move to the next one to see if we can find out more.

The real answer to this is hard, and difficult for most. One has to be able to understand the medical issues themselves and manage their own care.

I'm a walking medical disaster (mostly, though stable for now) and through a variety of issues I've had to manage my own care, both with civilian and VA doctors. I have to know what the medicines do, if there are interactions, how various conditions affect each other and what I need to consider as treatment options. It's exhausting.
Pet Peeve: People with PHOTOS for goodness' sakes IN THEIR SIGNATURE!! I mean, can they not see how terribly distracting that is?!?

I know most of those are old members that aren't active anymore but it drives me NUTS when I read old posts!!
You can shut signatures off
The real answer to this is hard, and difficult for most. One has to be able to understand the medical issues themselves and manage their own care.

I'm a walking medical disaster (mostly, though stable for now) and through a variety of issues I've had to manage my own care, both with civilian and VA doctors. I have to know what the medicines do, if there are interactions, how various conditions affect each other and what I need to consider as treatment options. It's exhausting.
Exactly. Doctors specialize now. So for example I have one doctor that keeps an eye on my common bile duct because I develop sludge there and that causes digestive issues. A different GI doctor that specializes in stomach troubles tells me I have slow digestion (gastroparesis) so he keeps an eye on that. A nephrologist monitors my kidney stones, and a urologist medicates my aging bladder. My MD supervises my diabetes and also medicates my fibromyalgia, arthritis and thyroid. A skin doctor watches out for changes in moles and such. I have so many doctors I can't even keep track of them all! That's not even considering the psychiatrist, dentist and eye doctor! But it seems none of them communicate with one another so no one has any idea of the big picture! None of them knows the complete ME. Isn't it possible some of these disparate conditions could be related? Hmmm. . :idunno:mad:

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