Pet Peeves

I do have personal and work phones
When I was working for the roofing company my day started at 5:30 am and ended at 7:30 pm, sometimes later. It was "supposed" to start at 6:45 am and end at 4:45 pm.
Guess what, I was pushed to GO, GO, GO, I burned out and quit my job.
Lesson learned: Have a business phone and personal phone, for the time being we also have a landline, employer has access to the landline. Set a reasonable boundary for what I'll do for my employer and diligently stick to.
Have a business phone and a personal phone. Leave business phone in the office so that , when someone calls they can answer it themselves. :highfive: Employer and associates did not get personal phone number. :he employer reaction:he when the phone rings in his office and I'm on vacation:he .
Ditto that idea, I have 2 phones as well. The business phone gets turned off every night at dinner time, off noon Saturdays & all day Sundays. Whatever it is, it can wait til Monday. My sanity & nerves deserve time to unplug. After decades being "on" 24/7 getting burned out & having cancer, then losing many loved ones made me change my workaholic ways. I'm glad I realized it before it was too late. It's pretty sad when the only memories of your 20s & 30s are of working. No one ever lay on their deathbed wishing they'd worked more.

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