Pet Peeves

1st Pet peeve: Myself.
Slacks about all day
10pm: Looks like it's time to deep clean the bathrooms, do 2 loads of laundry, mop the kitchen and prepare a box for the thrift store.
2nd pet peeve: you and I know perfectly well the box for the thrift store is going to sit in the corner for a few months, have its contents switched out a dozen times and then ride around in my car for a few weeks until I manage to donate it.
And I still have too much stuff no matter how many boxes I fill...
I don't buy stuff.....
:thumbsup on the thrift store box...exactamundo!

I'm an organized Pack Rat, married for over 40 years to an disorganized Pack Rat. Sheesh.
:thumbsup on the thrift store box...exactamundo!

I'm an organized Pack Rat, married for over 40 years to an disorganized Pack Rat. Sheesh.
I'm married to a disorganized pack rat myself..he needs to be followed around the house with a junk drawer...drives me I'm the stick it in a drawer person. I don't like things sitting on intables etc. He likes things at his finger tips. He is all man..leaving his hand gun and 20 pocket knives all over the place. Certain times of the month I'm gonna snap..
I'm married to a disorganized pack rat myself..he needs to be followed around the house with a junk drawer...drives me I'm the stick it in a drawer person. I don't like things sitting on intables etc. He likes things at his finger tips. He is all man..leaving his hand gun and 20 pocket knives all over the place. Certain times of the month I'm gonna snap..
If you're gonna snap, it might be good to have the hand gun put away... :oops:

I have heard that raw local honey helps, because it's made with the same plants in your area. I don't know how much truth there is to that
I can say that I used to have seasonal allergies every year from childhood to my 20’s. Late 20’s I bought local honey from a backyard bee keeper 30-40 mins from my house. I heard that honey can help and decided to try it. I can say that a teaspoon a day, sometimes more(I had to acquire a taste for it), under my tounge has helped so much so... I do not have seasonal allergies anymore.
I don’t know if this will work for everyone but I decided to try it. It worked for me. Natural is always better. There is a reason God made things the way he did. No drugs ever helped me. And I was blind and believed what I was told. But nothing ever helped or worked. I read the Bible (still do) and after learning things for myself... and not just trusting man. Like a religious leader. I found that drugs are considered witchcraft. Believe it or not. Do your own research.
I’m just passing on what I learned.


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I can say that I used to have seasonal allergies every year from childhood to my 20’s. Late 20’s I bought local honey from a backyard bee keeper 30-40 mins from my house. I heard that honey can help and decided to try it. I can say that a teaspoon a day, sometimes more(I had to acquire a taste for it), under my tounge has helped so much so... I do not have seasonal allergies anymore.
I don’t know if this will work for everyone but I decided to try it. It worked for me. Natural is always better. There is a reason God made things the way he did. No drugs ever helped me. And I was blind and believed what I was told. But nothing ever helped or worked. I read the Bible (still do) and after learning things for myself... and not just trusting man. Like a religious leader. I found that drugs are considered witchcraft. Believe it or not. Do your own research.
I’m just passing on what I learned.
This is such a touchy subject for the world but I will note one more thing....
We have all been lied to. And those shot, you know what I’m talking about, are not what people think.
Look up nano technology. Gene drive. Genetic engineering. Lots of sites are trying to warn the masses but people don’t know about them.
I won’t go into it here.

Always do your own research and trust no one.

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