Pet Peeves

Pet peeve:
'has anyone ever crossed a buff orp with red rooster I got from my neighbor's aunt Susan? What will the babies look like?"

No, you dingus, we don't have your neighbors aunt Susans' red rooster.

"Has anyone crossed a ee with a white silkie? I can't find any pictures on Google, so I must be the first, lol."

Yep, you're the first, in hundreds of years of domestic chicken keeping, you're the only one. Go, Be free with your ugly chickens.

Threads of this nature are the worst for me.
But not what I am looking for in a EE

Tantrum Crying GIF
I actually wouldn't mind more white layers. The only ones I have are my two leghorns and my spitzhaubens. Everything else lays a shade of brown so far apart from my ancient EE hen.
Pet peeve:
'has anyone ever crossed a buff orp with red rooster I got from my neighbor's aunt Susan? What will the babies look like?"

No, you dingus, we don't have your neighbors aunt Susans' red rooster.

"Has anyone crossed a ee with a white silkie? I can't find any pictures on Google, so I must be the first, lol."

Yep, you're the first, in hundreds of years of domestic chicken keeping, you're the only one. Go, Be free with your ugly chickens.

Threads of this nature are the worst for me.
Especially when it's something like an EE that looks like anything and everything and has who knows what in its backgrownd

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