Pet Peeves

In 2023, no such thing! If it’s laying eggs, it’s a hot commodity!
My mom's you know how much eggs are? Me..I think 5 a dozen. Then she told me how much 18 eggs like , whoah. I was grocery shopping the week before christmas and a woman had her grand child in the cart, and told them not to mess with the eggs because and I qoute.."those are gold".. its crazy. April will be 4 years since I bought eggs. My neighbors down the road bought 3 dozen off me because he has older hens. He gave me 15. I said it's OK, you can give me 10 (neighbor discount). He said no, the price of feed is going up, you take that. 😀 got me a bag of laying pellets. He even brought some egg containers so I didn't have to use the ones I bought for selling..Forgive the long account..
When some one repeatedly says parakeet when they mean budgie 😐

"I have a green Parakeet."

My brain: Do you mean you have this?
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Or this??
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Or this???
View attachment 3372184
Please be more specific...
Aaaand to make matters worse, there is an actual species officially known as the Green Parakeet. (Apologies for the poor photo)

Green Parakeet.JPG
Aaaand to make matters worse, there is an actual species officially known as the Green Parakeet. (Apologies for the poor photo)

View attachment 3380232
I can't remember if I've heard of this one before, I enjoy learning new parrot species. To prove my point, when I Googled Green Parakeet to see more of this bird first image was a budgie :hmm
I can't remember if I've heard of this one before, I enjoy learning new parrot species.
It's a smaller parrot that's native to northeast Mexico (Gulf coast area) and has been accidentally introduced via the pet trade into southern California, Florida, and Texas.
I was fortunate enough to see a small flock of these guys when I was in TX not too long ago. They're so fun to watch.
To prove my point, when I Googled Green Parakeet to see more of this bird first image was a budgie :hmm

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