Pet Peeves

I already know the real world. I was a truck driver. When I did extra work, I got extra pay.

Maybe that's my solution. "OK you guys can slack and get an A grade off my work, but you're gonna pay me to do it."
So you thought I meant school or your job. I mean the real world as in, If you choose to be one of the workers, no matter what that job may be, you will never escape others slacking to benefit from your hard work.
Well, when the homestead can pay the mortgage, I won't have to deal with it anymore. However, doesn't make the now suck any less.
Save EVERY cent you can. Pay down your debt as FAST as you can. Pare down/get rid of EVERY expense you can.

General rule of thumb: When you have saved 25 times what you spend in a year, you can quit your job. Saving more = getting there faster. Spending less = getting there faster (because you can save 25 times a smaller number faster).

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