Pet Peeves

Maybe my pet peeve should just be attention-seekers and anyone/everyone that fakes any kind of illness.
I understand what you mean. I also know the other side of it too....

People who have never experienced serious issues with their health (physically or mentally) do not understand how serious and (at times) how debilitating those issues are and therefore think people are faking or that it's "all in your head."

I've experienced this personally with my physical health and struggle to build up my immune system in the past. A friend of mine has a serious auto immune disorder, and many of her friends and relatives thought that because she "looked fine" she was making too much of an issue out of it. Two different friends have serious allergy issues yet others care only about their own wants and continue as normal even if it makes someone sick (If you know someone has a peanut allergy, don't have peanut products if you know you are going to see that person! If someone is highly sensitive to scents, don't burn a candle if they are going to be around! Even if you don't understand, please respect that person! People are more important than my desire to burn a candle or eat Peanut M&Ms.)
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