Picked on pullet with bloody and swollen ear lobes


Feb 16, 2023
Hello all, I will try to give you all of the information. I have a flock of 30, with 10 of them being in the seven month or so age group. I noticed a couple days ago that one of them was mounting and pecking another, and I removed her yesterday. This morning when I woke up to feed everybody, I noticed her victim was shaking her head back-and-forth and has very swollen, bloody earlobes. I cleaned her off and don’t see a sign of entry, so I don’t think it’s actually been perforated. What can I do for her?


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It looks like she has an abscess which might need to be drained. To drain an abscess, take a sterile needle (a hollow one would be ideal) and poke a hole inside it (careful not to hit any important veins inside! ). Sterilize the spot with something like Hydrogen Peroxide after draining. Use a towel and pat it down instead of pouring the Peroxide so it doesn't get in her eyes or ear.

I don't know anything about ear infections in chickens, but that would be my second guess. Tagging @Wyorp Rock.
It looks like she has an abscess which might need to be drained. To drain an abscess, take a sterile needle (a hollow one would be ideal) and poke a hole inside it (careful not to hit any important veins inside! ). Sterilize the spot with something like Hydrogen Peroxide after draining. Use a towel and pat it down instead of pouring the Peroxide so it doesn't get in her eyes or ear.

I don't know anything about ear infections in chickens, but that would be my second guess. Tagging @Wyorp Rock.
I immediately thought abscess as well but the more I looked it looks like her other ear is a little swollen as well? I just ordered some Tylan 50. I’m very nervous to drain something like this but the other alternative is an outrageous vet bill come next week.
I treated with Tylan and she was back to normal within 7-10 days! Thinking it was respiratory, and then she might’ve gotten picked on.
What is Tylan 50? My hen had a swollen ear lobe, no pus or sign of infection really. Possibly bite from a spider? Idk. Wondering if giving her some tylan if it doesn’t start going down by tomorrow would help? I’m learning as I go.
What is Tylan 50? My hen had a swollen ear lobe, no pus or sign of infection really. Possibly bite from a spider? Idk. Wondering if giving her some tylan if it doesn’t start going down by tomorrow would help? I’m learning as I go.
It is an antibiotic injectable. We got ours at tractor supply… I know they are phasing out over-the-counter injectable antibiotics for animals, but if you are lucky enough to find some old stock, they will still sell it to you.

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