Picking on the younger ones.....


In the Brooder
12 Years
Aug 24, 2007
Mocksville, NC
Is it normal for the older chicks to terrorize newer chicks? I put the new chick in with the older ones and everything was going good. Then for no apparent reason, three of the older chicks seemed to gang up on my six toed chick and pecked his feet..... in the process they succeeded to remove the tiny toes off each foot. Now he has just 5 toes per foot, and I had to construct a smaller holding pen for him and his sister. The three still try to get through the fence at him.... is it because they sensed he was different somehow? or were they just trying to instill the yard pecking order? And if thats all it was, why did it take all three of them to gang up on him??? he is so much smaller than them........
On a different note though.... without the small buds of toes, he does seem to walk better... and will it hurt him in the long run? He's not bleeding now, and he seems no worse for the wear.....
So when integrating birds, you have to make sure they are all about the same size and are familiar with each other. They are territorial and it can take weeks for the pecking order to settle with the new ones at the bottom. Older birds can and will kill younger birds, especially if they are smaller than the older ones. Best to house them apart until they are the same size and can get to know each other.
I have put the newer much smaller coop (pics tomorrow...) right next to the large one. With the wee ones inside. That way they can see the others and get aquainted.... They were in with the older ones for about three days before the first onslaught of terror....lol Good news though... one of my White leghorn hens (also newer...only 15 weeks old) has taken to the youngs ones... I found her laying by the small coop today... when I opened the top to feed them, she went right in and made herself to home. Again...pics tomorrow...lol.
Ok... here's the pics of the "smaller" coop....and the new owners....lol





Sorry if these load to slow.... But she (the hen) apparently likes being with the chicks... And now the chick with 5 toes is acting like nothing is wrong...so hopefully, no harm done... He's on the roost more now though...lol
Great pix. Looks good. Just wait until the lil' guys (uh, gals) get a tad bigger. Also, if you have a hen w/ an open wound you may need to keep her separate from everyone. Birds go for the little blood spot and sometimes keep going. Not pretty.

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