Pics of the coop


11 Years
Aug 23, 2008
I just realized I didn't put up pics of the coop and run we built this spring. So without further adooooo.

Front view

At an angle

Hubby had to name it

Nest boxes before the hay went in

Ta Dah!!!!! Yep I waited 5 years to get it and it was worth it!

Since we have dogs I laid an apron of the left over fencing around the perimeter and covered it with large rocks. It has worked out very well. My hound couldn't care less. My pointer at first would run out to show me that we had chickens. I broke her of that. Now she walks me out to the run every time I go out and leaves when I tell her to. I was worried about the dogs but have had no problems with them at all.
Sarahbeth--that looks so nice! I love the anglebar.We used that on our first coop and it did well,as well as cattle fencing.

Have tons of fun with your "HEN HAUS'.
Now we just need them to start laying. We have one that is and one that laid a dud. Now the other 7 need to get with it.

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