*Pictures* 2 year old Dominique with RED but/vent! *HELP*


In the Brooder
Sep 26, 2020
I noticed yesterday she was acting odd. Still eating, drinking a bit more than usual. Today I looked at her bum, because she's been acting broody and is also molting, and seen her butt/vent looked as it did. I sprayed some Medicine on her bum and vent area. She's just chilling in her spot right now and ate some yogurt. Any ideas if this is because of her molting? Praying she's not egg bound 😭
Her vent area appears red and inflammed. Is she being pecked around her vent by the others? That can lead to vent damage and cannibalism. I would take her aside, and look her all over for evidence of lice or mites on her skin, especially under her belly between her legs. You could watch to see if she is possibly pecking herself, but I would consider separating her into a wire dog crate with food and water kept in the coop or run with the other chickens. If you can’t separate her, then BluKote spray might be sprayed on her red skin to discourage pecking.
Her vent area appears red and inflammed. Is she being pecked around her vent by the others? That can lead to vent damage and cannibalism. I would take her aside, and look her all over for evidence of lice or mites on her skin, especially under her belly between her legs. You could watch to see if she is possibly pecking herself, but I would consider separating her into a wire dog crate with food and water kept in the coop or run with the other chickens. If you can’t separate her, then BluKote spray might be sprayed on her red skin to discourage pecking.

No she's been keeping to herself. She's my biggest hen and leader of the pecking order 😅. I gave her an Epsom salt bath yesterday and attempted to feed her yogart with a tum in it, but she wasn't having it. I didn't see any lice/mites. I treated my whole flock about a month ago. She's in the middle of molt and even though my other girls never had such a red bum like hers, I was hoping that could be it.

I'm going to medicate her bum and attempt the yogart and tums today. Just praying shes not egg bound 🥺
You can rule out egg binding if you insert a clean or gloved finger into the vent 1-2 inches to feel for an obstruction. Lice can hatch out every 10 days, so a permethrin treatment can be done every 10 days at least 2-3 times.
You can rule out egg binding if you insert a clean or gloved finger into the vent 1-2 inches to feel for an obstruction. Lice can hatch out every 10 days, so a permethrin treatment can be done every 10 days at least 2-3 times.
I will try that out tomorrow. I gave her an epsom salt bath and it seemed to help with the irritation but not exactly 'cure' it. I'll check TSC and see if they have any permethrin in stock. Thank you!

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