Pink wattles and comb suddenly...


12 Years
Jun 9, 2007
Central Ohio
So I took a picture of my girls today, who are 6.5 weeks old, so that I could send it to my Grandma (who is fascinated by the chicken thing). I noticed while watching my little crew that one of my GLWs has very pinky wattles and comb! What do you all think? Does this mean there's a roo in my future? It's the bird at the top of the picture:

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Rats! Really? I was hoping I'd get a reply or two that said, oh no, you're's just a hen with a pinker comb and wattles.

Maybe this explains why this chick is SO much bigger than the others, too? You can't see it in the picture, but the difference is dramatic.

Silkiechicken, you're evil!!

Well, crud. Now what am I supposed to do with him? Please don't say, "Grow him up and eat him." I won't do that. But I also don't want a rooster; I don't want chicks, don't want fertilized eggs and I don't want to aggravate my wonderful neighbors. Even though we live in the country, our neighbors would still have to listen to a lot of crowing. What the heck do I do with him?

Edited to add: this chick was named Surprise because he was an extra in my order. I had no idea how apt the moniker would be.

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Why don't you just keep him?
Do you have other roos?
If you're in the city like me it's a different story.
I gave mine to our freind's cousins' farm.
Good luck!
I love my roosters! You should keep him and just see what happens. You may love having him around. Why does a rooster's crowing bother anyone? Never could figure that out. Now, revving engines, playing loud music, shooting guns, let your dang mutt bark all night, that is noise pollution. And neighbors? They're the ones making all the aforementioned noises around me, so I love it when my roosters crow. I have three and one has a voice that REALLY carries, like a bull moose! My neighbors actually tell me they like hearing my roosters, so maybe it would work out. And a GLW rooster is a gorgeous animal, too.
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Well, it would be fine if I wanted a rooster. But I don't. I just want hens, and I want eggs. I think it would be different if I could keep more hens, then it wouldn't be such a big deal...but when you're limited to small numbers, I was really counting on him as a fifth hen! In other words, because I'm so limited on the number of chickens I can have (for several reasons), keeping him means less eggs.

Yes, Amy, I do see your point. I remember back when I got my original girls, I didn't want a rooster, either. And they do have their advantages and disadvantages. If you put his picture on BST section, maybe someone else would like to have him for their flock. Too bad the "surprise" is almost always a rooster, huh?

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