Pinless Peeper as Possible Management Tool for Aggressive Roosters

Do the pinless peepers interfere with foraging?
No, they don’t. I’ve used them on free range hens for extended periods. Stopped aggression twd flock members completely.
I'm very interested in if it would stop aggressive roosters.
Re the genetics theory, my 2 very docile polite roosters were son and grandson of a human-aggressive rooster. The aggressive one was raised by me in a brooder, the descendants raised by hens within the flock. I know this isn’t enough to disprove the aggressive gene theory, but it sure has me convinced there’s something there.
I will definitely keep in mind the peepers idea just in case I ever have a rooster issue again. I had to buy a pack of 6 on Ebay, so still have some left.
I've got 2 human aggressive roosters that I'd be willing to try these on. Although one of them is an aggressive biter so I'll have to find help to even get them on him. How do the pinless peepers fit on a Silkie's walnut comb and/or a large straight floppy comb? I did notice the pic of them on a large straight comb
I've got 2 human aggressive roosters that I'd be willing to try these on. Although one of them is an aggressive biter so I'll have to find help to even get them on him. How do the pinless peepers fit on a Silkie's walnut comb and/or a large straight floppy comb? I did notice the pic of them on a large straight comb
They don't work for Walnuts, so may have to use the peepers with the pins. I've tried pinless peepers on a Silkie once.

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