places you want to go to


8 Years
Mar 21, 2011
post up countries you'd want to go visit and why. if u can, attach a small clip about that country, it could be a music video or something cultural

i want to go to Nepal because it looks so beautiful

and i want to visit Laos where my parents were born
As soon as anyone hears my accent they say Ohhhh Australia! I've ALWAYS wanted to go there.
See this add

and then watch the next one...just so ya know what our sense of humor is like

No worries mate!
I decided the other day that I needed to plan a fantasy road trip. I am going to spend some time looking for a bunch of places to visit and make a giant loop around the country!

Maybe someday I can pack the truck, print the list and do it!
Israel. My Bro and SIL are going there for two weeks... leaving Friday....

I asked my wife where she wants to go... she says she wants to spend a day on the campaign trail with Mitt Romney. big surprise.
My favourite Place wish to go is New Zeland. I read and watch in Television about New Zeland. New Zeland is superb place to live. New Zealand has so many outstanding places.

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There has been a thread like this before.

I have always wanted to go to Germany and surely hope I make it there someday, it would be awesome.

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