Planes of the coop


7 Years
Jun 1, 2012
Well I'll have a farm when I graduated so I make a planes, someone who haves a farm can tell me how much it cost?
The green are the furniture
The violet are concrete divisions of 1.5 ft
The Brown are concrete divisions of 1 yd
The Pink are wood
The black are concrete
The red circles are waterers
The gray circles are feeders
The blue trapezoids are ponds
The white circles are nests
The T are windows and the D are doors

Someone can help me please?
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The measurements are shown in yards. is it really about 45 X 37 feet? That is a major building! Good size house really!

The cost of a building depends on the materials used / how well it is constructed. At a minimum, your building looks like it will need a decent foundation as a large building like that can be dangerous if not built correctly. The interior won't be as complex as a house but I would have to assume at least $50,000 will go into it (you will need electrical to see and undoubtedly plumbing to water the birds.

A lot more information would be needed to really calculate the cost. Including the cost of materials in your area.

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