Please advise! Regarding cats and also traveling & run ideas


Nov 19, 2020
So I haven’t had any trouble with my small flock, originally when I let them start to free range, I did lose one to the neighbors dog but now the other 4 stick to safer areas. They were pretty cooped up in their coop and covered run all winter but now that the snow has melted they demand freeedom!!! Seriously, they are so loud and pushy to be let out in the AM. So I have two questions—
First of all, the neighbors cats are out now that the weather is better. And I have two buffs and two bantams. Are the bantams in danger? Two more cats might be coming this summer (my parents are coming with their two strictly outdoor cats who have never met chickens).

2nd and somewhat unrelated, I might need to travel for two to three weeks. And aside from having someone come and refill their water and feed, will they be ok confined to their 10x5 outdoor run & coop? Should I make a doggy door?

eventually, for their safety, should I make a short (2 foot tall) wide run for them into the bushes and woods? Something somewhat sprawling but covered by chicken mesh?
I have several cats and I get a lot of strays now and again as well. I never had problems with cats bothering my chickens when I let them free range, only dogs, and I have all bantams.
As far as a tunnel run, I use one to connect my elevated coop to the large aviary pen that is off my big shed coop. It works great. I added hinged lids to the top for access. My enclosed aviary and tunnel run have horse fencing not chicken wire attached. I had a racoon go right through chicken wire once so replaced everything with stapled horse fence.
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Cats: always possible one with high hunting drive *might* make an attempt, but not likely. Your bantams would have to be pretty small and cat a hunter.

tunnel...well, maybe making an area closed in for them in the shade/woods is better, with roosts. The longer distance, the more opportunity for a predator to dig under/get in. So, a meandering tunnel would still only give them x amount of space, but a lot of area for you to check for holes/breaches, etc. a more defined area would give you less perimeter to secure. Do not use chicken wire -it can be ripped open by certain predators.

travel, yes, they will be fine in their run for 2 weeks, as long as they are checked on (water/food/security), and they have shade.

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