please help 1st duck !!! Some one please answer.


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 24, 2009
Savannah Georgia
My first duck has pecked a about the size of a fingernail. 3 o4 others have tiny holes. the temp in the incubator is 98 the humidty is about 78 As far as I can tell about 10 more should start to hatch. How long does it take and should help them or what should do > annne
Don't help! Leave them alone and let them do their thing. The #'s look good (temp might be a tiny low, but depends what kind of incubator you have and honestly, I'd NOT mess with it during a hatch lest you crank it too high by mistake). It can take 24 hours for them to absorb their yolk and hatch out, I believe. Helping can do more harm than good. The best thing you can do is back away and don't open/touch unless you need to add more water for humidity in the future.

Good luck!

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