Looks like a malformed, soft shelled egg. I don't see any lash material. May just be a glitch, or if it continues could indicate a larger problem. I would give her a calcium citrate + D once a day, see if that firms up the shell. It will also help with contractions and help her pass any more that is still inside. Passing those can make them fell pretty bad, they are hard for them to pass. If she doesn't perk up some in the next day, I would also start her on an antibiotic. If there is egg material in the oviduct from a broken/ruptured egg, that can cause infection (doesn't always, but definitely a risk). Amoxicillin can be gotten as a fish antibiotic without a prescription (aqua mox).
My hen is going through the same thing now, she passed a collapsed soft egg shell. If I get aqua mox, what would be a dosing schedule? And how is the chicken doing? This thread started on April 2..
Amoxicillin dose is 57 mg per pound of body weight, twice a day, for 5 - 7 days. If the bird is still acting ill, then antibiotics might be needed. If the bird is acting OK, but passing these kinds of eggs, the a calcium supplement might help get things back to normal. A calcium citrate +D, daily, (citracal) (600-800mg for a standard sized bird). I would give that for a couple of weeks, or until the egg shells return to normal.
Vent gleet discharge has a bad smell, and does not wash off easily. If that's also what she might have, you can treat with miconazole cream (for human vaginal yeast infection). After washing, if the feathers are cemented, you can trim those. Put a good dab on your finger and just hold it up against her vent, which will 'eat' the cream. It make take a week or more to clear up. Treat once a day. Also add ACV to drinking water. Feed just cracked corn, which will help prevent more laying, as well as isolating in a dark room, to also stop laying. I had a hen that had a prolapse and vent gleet at the same time. Hope your girl comes out of this ok.

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