Please help confirm my color sexing of these EEs--I need to put the cockerels in the meat pen ASAP


11 Years
Apr 8, 2008
Hey folks,

These are all EEs from TSC, so that's Mt. Healthy stock here in Ohio. About five weeks old. Straight run. I need to get some higher protein feed into the cockerels ASAP or they'll be too skinny to eat. I've pulled out the ones that I believe are cockerels, and didn't take any photos of the ones I was pretty sure are pullets. I would really appreciate some confirmation or not of my suspicions, since I don't want to put pullets in the meat pen for obvious reasons!

These two, I'm 99% sure are boys based on the red wing patches (birds 1 and 2):

This one, I'm like 95% sure is a boy, again based on his red wing patches (bird 3):

Now we're getting into birds I'm less sure about (bird 4).

And who knows about this one. It has lots of red in the wings, but it's pretty well distributed with the blue. But look at that big red comb! (bird 5).

Thanks for looking. If all these end up being cockerels, then the TSC woman was VERY good at pulling boys out of the basket. I would have gotten 3/4 boys.
Birds 1 and 3 pretty sure are pullets, cants tell for number 2 need to see a comb same with bird 4. Bird 5 looks to be a rooster.
Birds 1 and 3 pretty sure are pullets, cants tell for number 2 need to see a comb same with bird 4. Bird 5 looks to be a rooster.
Why would you say birds one and three are pullets? It was my understanding that the red patches are sex-linked male and could not occur in female birds.
Thanks, aoxa. I was pretty certain, but wanted to confirm with folks that have more experience than me. :)
I got a little mixed up with bird 4. I thought bird 3's head shot was bird #4. Bird 4 still looks more boy than girl to me by colour - because of the patchiness. In my experience girls are usually one pattern, and boys are like quilt work. I had one very similar that turned out to be a boy, but what does it's comb look like? If it is anything like bird #3 I am sticking with boy.
I got a little mixed up with bird 4. I thought bird 3's head shot was bird #4. Bird 4 still looks more boy than girl to me by colour - because of the patchiness. In my experience girls are usually one pattern, and boys are like quilt work. I had one very similar that turned out to be a boy, but what does it's comb look like? If it is anything like bird #3 I am sticking with boy.
They all have pretty large, red combs for young EEs. Three rows of peas. Yes, bird 4 has white patches on his wings, which made me think cockerel even though the patches were white.

Ah, well. All five of the above birds went to the meat pen. They will be around until the second week of May, which is when all the broiler chicks have their dates with destiny. If the black and white one isn't a cockerel, we may catch it before then.
I'm pretty certain all are boys, except on the white and black one. Those are always tricky, and I like to wait on them.
They all have pretty large, red combs for young EEs. Three rows of peas. Yes, bird 4 has white patches on his wings, which made me think cockerel even though the patches were white.

Ah, well. All five of the above birds went to the meat pen. They will be around until the second week of May, which is when all the broiler chicks have their dates with destiny. If the black and white one isn't a cockerel, we may catch it before then.
What a bummer for %'s.

For what it's worth, I like the last boy. I'd use him as an EE breeder. He's got some beautiful colour.

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