Bantam Username

8 Years
Aug 3, 2011
Wiltshire, UK
Hi, I candled this egg at lunchtime on day 22, preparing to open it and see what went wrong - as the other 5 eggs didn't make it to day 18 even, and discovered that it was alive and had internally pipped (I could see it moving in the air space and see the irregular bit where it had broken through), but there was no peeping or tapping going on.
It is now evening on day 24, I have candled it again as it still hasn't pipped, it is still moving in there, but less so, I can't see it moving in the air space any more either and it still hasn't tapped or peeped once.
Should I help it out now as its been 2 and a half days at least since it broke through into the air space now? I don't want to leave it too long and have it die.

All my other hatches have been on time, but this was my first batch in a different incubator. The temp has been steady throughout but now I'm not sure whether to risk helping it or risk losing it.
If I get no replies, I think I may try helping it in half hour anyway as I don't want to lose this little guy who has been fighting so long. :(
I agree with Sqwarkbox help it, but as soon as it gets to 6+ days if it hatches on one of those days don't expect it to live for too long. I am not saying cull it, just don't get too attached it can be devastating (personal experience-I know). I hope all goes well and I would help it. Sorry for the sombre response.
Best of luck!!
I don't understand what you are saying Indi.. are you saying make a pip hole and wait until it hatches on it's own??
Once I help them I just wrap them in a wet paper towel,stick em back in and then wait for the veins to dry. Once they are dry I get them out.
Well, I've opened it a bit, the veins are still way too thick for me to touch the membrane but it is looking shrink wrapped so I've upped the humidity. Don't really know what to do now. :(
Okay, all of my last batch were completely shrink wrapped. If you can see the beak, rip away a tiny bit of membrane so that it can breathe. Wet a qtip with warm water and soak the inner membrane so it is clear. Then wrap a warm wet paper towel around the whole egg and stick it back in the bator.

Mine after I helped and waiting for the veins.

ETA not trying to sound all knowing or anything, just trying to help :). All of my chicks would have died if I wouldn't have helped them.
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First of all, I never let an egg go past Day 22. They continue to grow every day, remember, and the likelihood that they can even move after that is slim. Either help or toss the egg, is my personal opinion. There may be a serious reason that it should NOT hatch. That's what I've found with chicks who just never get out of their eggs, even if they pip and partially zip.
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Okay, all of my last batch were completely shrink wrapped. If you can see the beak, rip away a tiny bit of membrane so that it can breathe. Wet a qtip with warm water and soak the inner membrane so it is clear. Then wrap a warm wet paper towel around the whole egg and stick it back in the bator.

Mine after I helped and waiting for the veins.

ETA not trying to sound all knowing or anything, just trying to help :). All of my chicks would have died if I wouldn't have helped them.

Didn't the paper towel get cold ? .__.

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