Please Help! Duck has hurt eye and leg!


Chicken crazy
6 Years
Mar 19, 2013
With chickens somewhere.......

This Easter we got 2 khaki kambles along with 1 mallard and a Rowen. We decided that they where old enough that we could put them in with the flock so we tried it and kept a eye on them. They were doing fine at first until I came out yesterday and found Tulip (The Rowen) looking like this. She is acting like one of her legs is broken and she has no energy. She is eating and drinking still and that why we are trying to help her. Her eye has a white sack like thing over the eye but I can't tell what it is. It also makes it so I can't tell the actual condition of her eye.
Any help with her eye or leg is appreciated. Here's her eye. Sorry it isn't the best picture. I can get another one if needed.

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Out of the 7 vets we have in the area none of them will see poultry. That's why we are trying to treat her.
The white has gone away a little bit sence yesterday when we took the picture and she has more energy.
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Try telling them it's your pet. It makes a difference for some reason.
I would google Avian specialist one vet for exotic animals. They should see you. Is there a pet store that sells parrots? Ask where they take their birds.
We actually brought our pet rooster to the vets when he got atacked by a dog and even with him there they still wouldn't see him. They kept saying that they are allergic to poultry or they aren't qualifyed to treat them.
She is doing good. The white has almost disappeared so we think that it was to protect the eye or infection leaving the eye. Her eye's are still a little sunk in so we are hoping that goes away in time. She is still limping so I am going to try to make her a splint and see if that makes a difference.
OK so today I did a close inspection of her leg and the main problem is in her ankle. We looked at it in a dark room with a flash light hoping to see the problem but it looked normal. We tried gradually moving it back and forth hoping it would loosen the joint but it wouldn't go past a certain point. We made her a foot brace sock thing (I forgot the term for it)so her foot was spread out. We didn't want it to freeze in a curled position.
Any idea what would be wrong with it?
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