Please help! Face growth on precious peahen!!!


Mar 11, 2022
Hello, I have a darling peahen named Bubble, sadly in the last few weeks I noticed a growth appearing under her beak on her face, I wasn’t sure what it was and whether it was something to worry about or if it would just go away on its own.

Unfortunately, the growth has not gone away and has instead greatly worsened. The growth is now protruding largely out from under her beak on her face stretching. Additionally, a new growth has begun behind her ear 😭.

Bubble is still acting normal and doesn’t seem to be worried by the growths.

I am greatly saddened and extremely worried about my darling bird. Please can someone help me!!
A picture is worth a thousand words and helps greatly when advising people with problems. There are two conditions possible here, one good and one bad. If you live in a warm location, which is why you should finish filling out your profile so we know where you live, is likely fowl pox. Fowlpox is a short-term problem caused by biting insects and will run its course in a few weeks and clear up by itself. The other is cancerous lesions that do not but only get worse. I have never had fowl pox here but did have a hen once years ago that had a similar growth on the top of her head that eventually died a couple of years later Fowlpox is quite common in the SE states.

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