Please Help - Gunky duck egg pipped - PHOTOS


7 Years
Feb 21, 2016
Cumbria, UK
I’ve got an Aylesbury which first pipped about 36 hours ago, after the other ducklings had hatched. It’s now day 30/31, and I attempted to assist it, but found that it was very ‘gunky’ inside the egg, and the membrane started to bleed a little so I’ve put it back into the incubator. The membrane has kind of shrunk a little, but it very soft/ gooey. Has anyone had this before/ have any advice?

When I have chicks that are having trouble like this, I check them ever so often and when there's membrane that has no blood vessels, I pull the membrane back slowly. Since it looks like the membrane is separated from the shell, you could break small pieces off so you can see the membrane better to look for veins. Good luck! Just be careful of the veins.
What was the humidity % during incubation? The "goop" inside the egg makes me wonder if the humidity was on the high side. This article may be helpful - while focused on chicken eggs, it's still relevant to waterfowl.

As you already deduced, the duckling's not ready to hatch, and needs time to finish absorbing yolk and for the vessels to recede. The risk (that I've experienced) with sticky hatchlings is that the goop can turn hard and trap them in the egg. I'd keep a close eye on any sticky ones and be ready to assist as described in this article if needed.

Best of luck!!

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