Please help! Is this Pox or something else?


In the Brooder
May 14, 2020
Hey guys I would appreciate any help SO much. Thank you so much for your time. I hatched this little hen back on April 26th from some fertilized eggs I purchased. She's just started laying and is a little sweetheart. I just noticed these spots today. What are they? I'm so worried. I'm in North Texas.


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It does look like pox. The other option is peck wounds. Pox generally gets worse before it gets better. It will run it's course in 4-6 weeks.
Nothing you can do. It's a virus that will run it's course if it's fowl pox. It can spread through direct contact with the lesions or by mosquitoes. I personally just leave them be as long as it doesn't impede their ability to see.
Is anyone else picking on her? Do other birds have similar spots? Might help you tell the difference between fowl pox and pecking injuries. It does look suspiciously pox-y though.
No, she isn't picked on at all. Thanks so much for you're info guys!!:thumbsup

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