Please help my hen, appears she's been attacked


Nov 30, 2023
Hello! I'm new here, not the way I want to introduce myself but I'm in a situation where I'm desperate to ask for help. Originally I thought there was no hope for my hen but from reading some of the forums from here has gave me some hope. I'm not sure what happened to the hen, at first I thought my horse got her but now after reading I guess a gang of roosters can do alot of damage. I have isolated her and sprayed Bantixx. I'm about to give her vitamins & electrolytes in her water. Hoping I don't go in there and see she didn't make it! 😣 she is special to us, she is one of the first chickens we got when first starting off. Shes now 2 year's old. So please if there's anything else I can do or if I'm doing something wrong please chime in! Thank you in advance!


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hello there, don’t feel bad about starting off like this, most people do, in fact I did as well. How deep would you say that wound is? I would clean with saline and apply neosporin without pain relief. This may be too severe of an injury, or infection could set in but you could try a few things like that. I also suggest giving some egg yolk, raw or cooked if she’ll take it. If she refuses to eat it may be worth considering putting her out of her misery. I would weigh you options and consider it regardless. Good luck 🙏
hello there, don’t feel bad about starting off like this, most people do, in fact I did as well. How deep would you say that wound is? I would clean with saline and apply neosporin without pain relief. This may be too severe of an injury, or infection could set in but you could try a few things like that. I also suggest giving some egg yolk, raw or cooked if she’ll take it. If she refuses to eat it may be worth considering putting her out of her misery. I would weigh you options and consider it regardless. Good luck 🙏
Thank you but yes I think the only option is probably letting her go. She's in worse shape now, laying there with one foot twitching. As before she was swaying but was still walking, now she can't sit up. Refusing to eat or drink. Very, very sad.
My last resort could be penicillin but don't think an antibiotic will help in this case 😭
Looking at the photo, one of my hens had the same issue.
It was not an attack. It is from mating.
I took my hen and cleaned the wound. Then applied antibiotic ointment (human kind).
Then kept her in a cage in a house until she healed. I think it took about a month.
She was then reinjured but not as bad because I kept a close eye on her.
I ended up separating her from that rooster.
It's not that he is mean, it's just their physiology does not match. The other two hens he is with and mates with have no damage.
I just read your last post.
Try antibiotics. I just treated a rooster that was a victim of a dog attack who was going down fast. Was just laying there with eyes closed most of the time. After one day, his eyes were open and he was alert but still laying down.
I used 250mg of Amoxicillin for fish, twice a day. I mixed it into about a half a teaspoon of coconut oil. Put it in the fridge for few minutes to solidify and then put it right in front if him. He are it. First dose was in the morning and by late afternoon I could already tell he had slight improvement. I did it for 7 days.
He went from being on deaths door to walking around. He is still recovering from his injuries but I have zero doubt that he will be fine.
He finished his antibiotic treatment 5 days ago.
I just read your last post.
Try antibiotics. I just treated a rooster that was a victim of a dog attack who was going down fast. Was just laying there with eyes closed most of the time. After one day, his eyes were open and he was alert but still laying down.
Thank you! And yes she's went down fast. Just laying there weak
I used 250mg of Amoxicillin for fish, twice a day. I mixed it into about a half a teaspoon of coconut oil. Put it in the fridge for few minutes to solidify and then put it right in front if him. He are it. First dose was in the morning and by late afternoon I could already tell he had slight improvement. I did it for 7 days.
He went from being on deaths door to walking around. He is still recovering from his injuries but I have zero doubt that he will be fine.
He finished his antibiotic treatment 5 days ago.
I'll have to inject her, there's no way I can get her to eat right now!
Thank you but yes I think the only option is probably letting her go. She's in worse shape now, laying there with one foot twitching. As before she was swaying but was still walking, now she can't sit up. Refusing to eat or drink. Very, very sad.
My last resort could be penicillin but don't think an antibiotic will help in this case 😭
I would personally just put her out of her misery. You could try antibiotics but it may just drag out her suffering. You know her best so do what your gut tells you.
I would personally just put her out of her misery. You could try antibiotics but it may just drag out her suffering. You know her best so do what your gut tells you.
I hear what you're saying and I'm torn..but I've decided to give her penicillin and sprayed her with Hydrogen peroxide. I have her inside the house in a crate with a brooder heater...and now I can say I've done all I can to try to save her. So now I leave it in greater hands than mine, after all, he is the ultimate healer. 🙏🙏🙏 Praying for a miracle!

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