Please Help!! My rooster was attacked by a raccoon or fox!!! Sorry graphic pics enclosed! (had

I have had to nurse injured chickens a few times in the last several months twice from dogs and once from a raccoon attack. I made sure they had electrolytes in their water and feed/gave water with a dropper the first several days. I also slathered antibiotic ointment on the wounds and kept them in a cage in my garage. It is amazing how fast chickens heal and get back to normal, if they can make it through the initial shock of the injury. I had my first eye injury last week and the chickens eye was so swollen her eye ball looked like it was sunken way into her face. But after four days of feeding her yogurt and electrolytes her and putting ointment on her face her eye is back in the right spot and the swelling is way down. Good luck with your roo, hope this encourages you that you are doing a great job! Be careful removing the black area if dried it will reopen the wound, I made this mistake with my first wounded chickens and seemed to do more harm than good.
It's hard to say... looks clean though and moist...I went shopping and bought Silvadine (otc) and more saline, as well as triple antibiotic... so the combo hopefully will expedite things.
I am just thankful that you guys responded.. I will heath your warning, but if you look at the one piece that is hanging off? I will not be removing anything until I hear otherwise...
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Umm picking off that black area that is on the side is a tough call my experience with pealing off dead hardened skin was with this hen pictured. This is the rear of the chicken, and I peeled off the piece in this picture and it reopened the wound and started bleeding again. The other ones that I didn't peel eventually fell off on their own and healed faster than the one i did peel.
I wouldn't remove the dead skin or scabs, but do keep the areas moist, but not wet. Clean the wounds with normal saline and continue with the antibiotic ointment. You can make your own saline by adding 2 tsps of salt to a liter of boiled water. I use a 30 ml syringe to irrigate wounds. I would also increase his protein to promote tissue healing. And as you already know, watch for infection.
Oh no! Poor guy! My gals are still indoors (9 weeks old) but this is def a nightmare I have. Wish I had some good advice for you, :idunno but I do send good thoughts of healing to your guy!
Thanks everyone! It helps to have support... he is doing well but hard as my sunroom is off the master suite (20 feet from my bedroom.) 0430 is early. Just thankful that things are going ok.. Silver cream is good right?? Mandas Meadow.. ugh yep no pealing off anything... I was hoping it would fall off... it has been a hard 9 days.
I know it has been tough...keep up the good work. Silvadene cream is a great dressing. Keep it on nice and thick to keep the area moist.
The only time I've ever peeled anything off is if it starts to smell sour. As long as it is a healthy scab, he is getting better.

Be sure to post pics once he is healed all the way. He is definitely out of the woods now huh?
one of my roosters was attacked by a dog. All the feathers and skin on his back was ripped off.I kept him inside, gave him a small dose of pain relief and antibiotic cream and after about 2 months he was happily running about with the hens :) your little guy is very lucky, good luck!

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