Please help with goose breed and possible sex...


Apr 17, 2024
Northcentral Wisconsin
I was wondering if someone could please help me figure out the breed and sex of these two...I got them 5 weeks ago at 1 week of age. They are a HOOT to say the least. One is bigger than the other and very loud (Eddie), the other is smaller and more quiet (Clark). Clark will come by me and even crawl on my lap. Eddie, not so much. He or She will be busy herding the ducks all over (that's a different issue-:rolleyes:)

Any idea what the breed is? Thanks!



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I was wondering if someone could please help me figure out the breed and sex of these two...I got them 5 weeks ago at 1 week of age. They are a HOOT to say the least. One is bigger than the other and very loud (Eddie), the other is smaller and more quiet (Clark). Clark will come by me and even crawl on my lap. Eddie, not so much. He or She will be busy herding the ducks all over (that's a different issue-:rolleyes:)

Any idea what the breed is? Thanks!

They look to be either Chinese brown geese or African geese. I'm betting on the first one since they look a lot like my Gussie did at that age :)

As for gender... it's going to be a while before you can tell. Not unless you know how to vent sex 😬
They look to be either Chinese brown geese or African geese. I'm betting on the first one since they look a lot like my Gussie did at that age :)

As for gender... it's going to be a while before you can tell. Not unless you know how to vent sex 😬
I was thinking the same as far as breed but was not sure which.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeah, I don't know how to do that LOL! Was not sure if the fact one was much bigger, louder and bossier if that mattered much.

Thank you for your response.
I was thinking the same as far as breed but was not sure which.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeah, I don't know how to do that LOL! Was not sure if the fact one was much bigger, louder and bossier if that mattered much.

Thank you for your response.
The louder bossy one might be a male, or he might not. Our Gussie was fairly docile when he was little lol. From what I've noticed, most stores sell Chinese brown geese as oopsed to African geese (though they might advertise the gosling as African). So far, from the slender necks I'd say they're Chinese brown geese
The louder bossy one might be a male, or he might not. Our Gussie was fairly docile when he was little lol. From what I've noticed, most stores sell Chinese brown geese as oopsed to African geese (though they might advertise the gosling as African). So far, from the slender necks I'd say they're Chinese brown geese
A local gal raises a complete hodge podge of ducks/geese/birds in general. She said she has both Chinese and African running around so she didn't know what would become of these 2. I wanted ONE goose with my 12 duck eggs I got from her and she had 2 of her 3 gosling eggs hatch so I took them both. I love my ducks (9 hatched of the 12) but the geese are WAY more entertaining. I have them separated at night but free range during the day. Eddie can get bossy at times. Clark is very docile too.
Would be hard to tell between Chinese and African this early I would think. Assertiveness and vocals are also not great indicators yet either. But the males will continue to whinny frequently until they're much older when it should slow down as their calls get deeper (my experience.)
Hi! They are both adorable goslings. As you stated that the lady had both Chinese and "African" geese together, let us suppose you got a crossbreed pair. If they stay within the weight limit, you can say they are Chinese. Most "African" geese are not true Africans. They are oversized Chinese. African geese get nearly as heavy as Embdens and have a dewlap.
Would be hard to tell between Chinese and African this early I would think. Assertiveness and vocals are also not great indicators yet either. But the males will continue to whinny frequently until they're much older when it should slow down as their calls get deeper (my experience.)
Sit back, wait, watch and enjoy...I got it!! :D

Thank you!

Hi! They are both adorable goslings. As you stated that the lady had both Chinese and "African" geese together, let us suppose you got a crossbreed pair. If they stay within the weight limit, you can say they are Chinese. Most "African" geese are not true Africans. They are oversized Chinese. African geese get nearly as heavy as Embdens and have a dewlap.

They are pretty cute I must say. 😍 Not as smart as the ducks but more entertaining that is for sure.

I think sometimes I try to pick apart the breeds and how they are "supposed" to act and behave. In the end, like any animal, they will all have different personalities.

Thank you!
I'll be honest, they don't appear to be either, mostly bc they have a v at the top of their bill, so doesn't seem like they'll have knobs...otherwise, they look almost identical to my African goslings, except their bills appear thicker/shorter due to the knob bud. My experience (limited though it is) is that the bossier ones are female (tend to come at you screaming with necks outstretched) and the calmer/quieter ones are males. Totally threw me off when I got my original 4, I thought I had 3 males bc they were so...not aggressive, but assertive?...and my 1 I was SOOO convinced was a female bc of how calm and pleasant it was that I honestly thought it just hit a growth spurt quicker and that's why it was getting so much bigger than the others. (It was my only male...felt like a dunce!🤣) Also, females tend to have deeper voices and tend to "talk" more than the males. Males are screechier (is that a word?) and tend to "talk" less. Again, just my experience! Photos just bc!
My original 4, early August 2023
My original 4, mid September 2023 - notice top of bill looks like an upside down v...
My original 4, late October 2023 - 1 on right is male, full head taller than the rest (I still thought it was my only female when this picture was taken...)
3 of my original 4, taken last week - male in center, girl on right hatched out the babies - such good moms!
The babies I hatched out with the incubator, they were 2 weeks old when picture was taken, 3 weeks ago. Again, notice the bills... sorry on beat a dead horse...
same babies, taken 2 weeks ago. They grow so fast!😭

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