Please help! Young duck has hurt eye and leg!


Chicken crazy
6 Years
Mar 19, 2013
With chickens somewhere.......

This Easter we got 2 khaki kambles along with 1 mallard and a Rowen. We decided that they where old enough that we could put them in with the flock so we tried it and kept a eye on them. They were doing fine at first until I came out yesterday and found Tulip (The Rowen) looking like this. She is acting like one of her legs is broken and she has no energy. She is eating and drinking still and that why we are trying to help her. Her eye has a white sack like thing over the eye but I can't tell what it is. It also makes it so I can't tell the actual condition of her eye.
Any help with her eye or leg is appreciated. Here's her eye. Sorry it isn't the best picture. I can get another one if needed.

Okay, based on how she looks, you have some drakes (male ducks), and they were very rough mating with her. She needs to be kept away from them.

In fact, with her injuries she needs to be away from flies - they can lay eggs in wounds.

Get her into a lukewarm bath - no soap. Let her float and relax. What she needs is safety, fresh water, comfortable temperatures (not too hot or cold), peace and quiet, good food.

She also needs some care of that eye. If you can get to a vet, do so. In any case, some saline spray on the eye three or four times a day, or Vetericyn eye gel or Vetericyn spray, lightly mist over the eye.

The head and neck need saline solution or Vetericyn spray also.

Put some poultry vitamins with electrolytes in her water twice a week for the next month.

Please also post this over on the duck forum. There are many experienced duck people there who can help you (I cannot be on the computer all the time, so it's nice to have more than one person aware of your concern).

How many drakes are in your flock? Is she the only girl?
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We almost have done all of the stuff you said. We have her separated in a warm area away from any flies. We made up some electrolights and put some in her food for a extra boost. This morning we made her a warm bath to soak in and afterwards we put some medication inher eye. We only have one drake in our flock of 7 ducks but he has been very aggressive to our flock lately. Even our geese.
I did see online where you take a tablespoon in a pint of water and boil it. Then you cool it and put that on the eye. Have you done something like that before and does it work?
OK Thanks.:) I will try it and see if it helps. Most of the white is gone today and I can see her eye but her leg is still just as bad. I check for any broken bones but I didn't find any so I am suspecting a sprained leg.
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Ok today her eyes are doing awesome but her leg is still the same. I think the source of it is in her ancle because when I touch and move it she is in a lot of pain. Any ideas? Here's a pic of it. She refuses to move it from this position.
Are you treating the leg with Epsom salt compresses? I would be doing that, (E.s. is a laxative, be careful she doesn't get it in her mouth), maybe some comfrey or St. John's wort salve. If you cannot find the salve, make a tea, cool it, and add it to the Epsom salt solution for the compresses.

I need to turn off the computer for a while - but please update me.
OK, I will see if we have the Epson salt. We made her sort of like a foot sock to keep her foot spread out. We dont want her foot to freeze in that position. We looked at her ankle in a dark room with a flash light hoping to see something but it looked normal. We tried roking her foot back and forth to loosen the joint but it wouldn't go past a certain point.
Epsom salt is generally inexpensive, and very valuable for all kinds of things (I used it to soak out a splinter a couple of years ago).

There are many helpful duck people on the duck forum, and since I will be housecleaning today and not online much (it must be done some time!), there are others who have duck leg injury experience over there.
I did end up posting in that thread and there's a person that's helping. We got the salt today and are going to soak it in a few minutes. She was using her foot a little more so I think it's getting better. We made her sort of like a hamic with a t shirt, a box and staples. We cut holes in it so that way her feet can hang down giving her joint a break.

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