Please help


In the Brooder
Sep 16, 2023
I have a flock of 9 chickens. In the last month I’ve lost 3. The 3 are ones that got sick over the past spring and all had prolapsed vents. I got them through it but it seemed like they never were really the same. I don’t know what they had that caused the prolapse and it was only those 3.

I have the six left and two of them are quarantined right now because of another issue. Not sure what it is and I’m so exhausted from trying to help the other 3 that died. The one has pale face, droopy comb, kind of lethargic at times. She also seems puffy and always has a poopy butt. I’ve washed her so many times to clean her up. The flock got treated for mites and lice and they have all been supported with probiotics and such. The second one has been missing feathers on her chest all summer, she’s thin, and now her face has developed this white-ish stuff. I’m at a loss. I thought maybe last week they had a sinus/respiratory thing. I got the oregano mixture you put in the water. And all of that. Short of giving them antibiotics, I’ve done it all.
I now have 7 new chickens that my husband brought home in March. They are in the same run as the others but still separated. I don’t want them to get whatever the older ones may have. But I don’t know if I can stop it. I’ve tried so many things I can even go into it all because it would be longer than this already is.
I’ve attached pics of the ones I have separated currently but I’m not so sure the rest of the older chicks done have beginning stages of whatever is going on. I thought maybe fowl pox or something. Molting? All symptoms seemed to be so close in any sickness. No vet to go to so just me guessing. Help please


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They are on organic purina pellets and every couple of days they get scratch and peck fermented mash. occasional mealworms as treats and
Egg binding/prolapse is usually from a lack of calcium or to much treaty type foods. If the scratch and peck is whole grain, I'd cut it back for a bit. Do the get oyster shell?
Yes they do
neither of the two that are separated right now have had a prolapse. I suspected egg binding. I got them from a co-worker june of last year. They were good up until the spring. I went away for vacation and had my sister taking care of them. Something happened during that time that just seemed to have knocked them off and it seems like it's been nothing but problems since then. One got the prolapse, got her through that then a little bit later another one and then another one. The first one that died was my love bug. she was my favorite and i took it pretty hard. Still upsets me with the next two and i'm now anxious i'm going to lose more. The co-worker told me when he gave them to me, they were maybe a year and a half or two years old. When everything started in the spring, i stopped getting eggs from all of the but four and then slowly it's faded to where i'm getting one or two eggs a day from them. i'm not sure if that's their age or because of something else.
I'd get a fecal float. Sounds like it could be worms. Beyond oregano and pumpkin seed resolve.
The white stuff on the comb... not a great photo but if you put an anti fungal on it every 3-4 days for 2 weeks it could not hurt.
Your girls are beautiful. Don't be frustrated ♡ It is all just learning, we have all been there.
neither of the two that are separated right now have had a prolapse. I suspected egg binding. I got them from a co-worker june of last year. They were good up until the spring. I went away for vacation and had my sister taking care of them. Something happened during that time that just seemed to have knocked them off and it seems like it's been nothing but problems since then. One got the prolapse, got her through that then a little bit later another one and then another one. The first one that died was my love bug. she was my favorite and i took it pretty hard. Still upsets me with the next two and i'm now anxious i'm going to lose more. The co-worker told me when he gave them to me, they were maybe a year and a half or two years old. When everything started in the spring, i stopped getting eggs from all of the but four and then slowly it's faded to where i'm getting one or two eggs a day from them. i'm not sure if that's their age or because of something else.
They are red sex links? Did not know they were so old. Their best laying days are behind them. Their body's have worked hard with overproduction more than likely.
If they have worms, it would be robbing them of nutrients, leaving them susceptible to disease and illness. Think a float is usually about $25 ish. Just take a clean fresh poop to the vet- call ahead. You will at least know where to go from there.
I'd get a fecal float. Sounds like it could be worms. Beyond oregano and pumpkin seed resolve.
The white stuff on the comb... not a great photo but if you put an anti fungal on it every 3-4 days for 2 weeks it could not hurt.
Your girls are beautiful. Don't be frustrated ♡ It is all just learning, we have all been there.
Thank you. It's frustrating because I at time, feel like i'm failing. I'm trying to take care of them the best that I can and it just seems like I can't get ahead of whatever has been going on since the spring. I did send out a poop sample and got it back that there were no worms. I could do another one and check again. I've been doing the oregano but haven't done the pumpkin seeds yet. Some of the chics are sweet and cooperative and others not so much. Andddd I get frustrated with that. ahaha sometimes i just cry. I enjoy having chickens but like i said, the 3 got sick and just never recovered. And i've looked up so many things and have asked so many people for help and feel more confused and overwhelmed...
They are red sex links? Did not know they were so old. Their best laying days are behind them. Their body's have worked hard with overproduction more than likely.
If they have worms, it would be robbing them of nutrients, leaving them susceptible to disease and illness. Think a float is usually about $25 ish. Just take a clean fresh poop to the vet- call ahead. You will at least know where to go from there.
Yes they are. I wasn't sure when they would stop laying. I've tried to get help from so many vets around me in suburbs of Philly, PA and have not found one that will help me. The last poop test I did was through the mail.

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