Please keep my girl in your thoughts. Sorry for another long post

This is her right side I've cleaned it I wasn't sure if I should put anything on her eye. That's her only injury on her right side
I took care of my EE chicken after a dog attack. As result, she was blind. Yes it was a challenge, but I did it. She lived to be 11 years old. (2 years in the disabled state)
Had to keep her separated from other chickens in run area, in a wire cage. Food and water was inside for her. Had her outside in the back yard with the other chickens, but in a cage there also. I don't think she new she was in a cage. Found food, and water easily. Would just chill, and scratch the grass thru bottom of cage.
For the night, I just placed here on the coop floor on fresh bedding. The chickens did not bother her on the floor,,, as they were on their roosts.
:hugsI know you are doing your best❤️
You can try to stop hawk attacks in the future by maybe putting up a owl statue by where they free range I've heard hawks are afraid of owls cuz of their size but maybe also keep a broom or stick outside on hand while you cant kill hawks chasing them with a broom or stick is sure to make them think twice about going back to your all-you-can-carry coop restaurant
Oh the poor baby! I'm so glad she has a good home with you. So many others would have just put her down. People don't understand when I say my girls are pets. They just see eggs and food. I hate the jokes people make about roasting them. How would they like jokes about eating their dogs?

She is so fortunate to have you, and I hope for a full recovery!

I just lost one of my girls last week to a hawk. It was my first death by a predator. It was heartbreaking and I miss her so much. I'm so glad yours made it and is doing well. Prayers for her!
I feel the same way like no my OEGB hen is not meaty enough to make a nugget out of her

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