Please Read! Bromethrin Rat Poison Warning!

News was not good.
This particular brand of rat poison uses a different toxin and it has no cure. So unfortunately my worst nightmare has come alive and I will lose all my cats. I can't even believe it, this is why I don't want to use it. It's all going straight to the fire pit no matter what is said. I don't even know what to say, this all could have been prevented. No happy ending after all. Thank you, everyone. Sorry I had to share this Very depressing moment with you guys.

Very sorry to hear that. Vets have been trying to get that poison ff the market because there is no way to treat it. Lots of people are not aware of it either. Take this time to write and complain to whomever you can. Be the voice that might make a difference. Do not let those animals die without being their voice.
Your doing it. Your educating all of us. I am throwing my poison away. Thank you. :hit:hugs
Don't buy any with Bromethrin in it, that's the toxin that attacks the brain and is impossible to cure. The first symptoms are twitching and seizures, then they just start purring and fading until they slip away. The vet said they have no idea what's going on so they'll all react different. My pregnant cat screamed whenever we touched her and she always loved attention, but my Grey one (who never ever liked to be petted) stopped walking and just stood in the lawn, meowing and purring nonstop, and wanted to be held. The other two I didn't get to observe their symptoms, I just found them dead.
Don't buy any with Bromethrin in it, that's the toxin that attacks the brain and is impossible to cure. The first symptoms are twitching and seizures, then they just start purring and fading until they slip away. The vet said they have no idea what's going on so they'll all react different. My pregnant cat screamed whenever we touched her and she always loved attention, but my Grey one (who never ever liked to be petted) stopped walking and just stood in the lawn, meowing and purring nonstop, and wanted to be held. The other two I didn't get to observe their symptoms, I just found them dead.
she was pregnant ? Thank you for posting this. I am terrified something like this will happen. I have no idea what kind what I have.
she was pregnant ? Thank you for posting this. I am terrified something like this will happen. I have no idea what kind what I have.
Yes, she is the one I rushed to the vet because I had hoped maybe we could get an antidote in her fast enough to save her litter, but that's when I learned it's not possible.
I've heard Irish Spring Soap bars repel mice, my mom keeps it all over her camper and she's never had a mice issue. Otherwise I'd just stick to mouse traps. Peanut butter works better than cheese supposedly.
What test did the vet do or how did he know what caused this ?
She didn't even have to do the test, I brought the ingredients of the poison and when she looked it over and spotted bromethrin, she said that's the exactly what's causing the seizures and constant twitching. She did a few physical tests like the flashlight in the eyes, touching the cat in various places on the body, the cat's eyes were solid black pupils and didn't change with the light, and when she was touched she would jump away like it was painful. Since more have died and are showing symptoms, the vet confirmed they got the poison. She said to make them comfortable, if the dose was low they could potentially pull through but it's 98% unlikely.

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