
Aug 1, 2022
I’m really concerned and I don’t quite know what to do. Please any sort of help will be appreciated.
My hen (spotted sussex) recently hasn’t been active. Tonight I found her laying in the middle of the yard, while all the other hens were settled in the coop for “bed time” and it caused me to be extremely worried.
Idk what’s wrong with her, and I just really need help. Pictures can gladly be provided if needed (just lmk)

Issues with her
- yellow/ drippy poop [diarrhea?]
- she has a huge inflammation in her lower abdominal area
- havnt quite seen her walk as I found her laying down and she’s just been settled ever since (could be bc of wanting to sleep but normally when I wake up my hen/roo they get active pretty fast. She seems to stand only if I make her, and at most for a few seconds)
- nothing seems to be odd from her mouth, no ooze/goo
- the few times I’ve made her stand, (don’t want to mess with her to much, and cause unnecessary stress on my lady) she seemed to be more upright. If that makes sense. Normally hens stand like neutral and even. But it seemed her hind was dragging while her chest was higher than usual. (Appeared bad)
- her come is bright red; I amuse from discomfort

I really need help. This is kindof my last+only resort as I cant quite afford a vet bill for a single hen. Don’t want to loose my gal..

Things I think it may be
- parasite; dk what to do in case-
- egg bound; I don’t rlly think she has it but there’s a possibility. However I’ve checked gently her abdominal area and couldn’t feel anything relatively close to an egg. Just mush n “fat”
- vent gleek; unsure for sure. Did a little research (still doing it while I’m waiting for reply’s 😭) on it but anything you can add would be gladly appreciated
- other fatal diseases
A bloated or swollen abdomen in a chicken could be a symptom of any number of illnesses or health issues.

1.) how many chickens do you have?

2.) separate the hen immediately, just in case of something contagious.

3.) look at this site for help What may cause issues in the abdominal area.

4.) I hope you figure out what is wrong.
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It sucks, doing research myself atm and I just keep being lead to thirty different possible issues. Was wondering if anyone had any similar experiences/ extra knowledge. Thank you for the help with researching as well^^
If photos are needed lmk and I can send them]
It sucks, doing research myself atm and I just keep being lead to thirty different possible issues. Was wondering if anyone had any similar experiences/ extra knowledge. Thank you for the help with researching as well^^
If photos are needed lmk and I can send them]
could I see some pictures
Images will contain poop/rear end. Little warning for those who feel uncomfortable by it

Photos were taken I’d say ten minutes ago, read has been cleaned.
Forgot to mention loose wings
could I see some pictures


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Cant seem to find a way to show the puff in her abdominal. If you want any specific photos lmk and I’ll see what I can get
Does her abdommenfeel hard or like it's liquid-filled?

Have you checked for an egg in her vent?

How is her crop function?

I have seen this in a couple of my hens. Neither times was good news, unfortunately. I hope it's different for your hen.
Does her abdommenfeel hard or like it's liquid-filled?

Have you checked for an egg in her vent?

How is her crop function?

I have seen this in a couple of my hens. Neither times was good news, unfortunately. I hope it's different for your hen.
1- as minimal is quite squishy but I wouldn’t say water filled. Not fern though
2 - I have not inserted my finger, but I have gently touched around the area. (Have heard if it is egg-bound, the egg could possibly break and its definately fatal from there) but I did not feel anything egg related, just the mush as said before
3 - I fear I don’t feel her crop, I am not quite familiar with the area so I may just unable to find it. When I did feel area, I did feel sometime bout “thumb length” that I believe is her crop (though as said earlier I’m not quite familiar with the area)

Extra things I’ve noticed as times passed

-ocationally breathes heavily (whole body movement )
- when moves or shuffles by herself a little she fluffs up and then slowly falls her feathers down

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