Please tell me I got a Hen:( Otherwise see trade post that will follow...

That's a shame you cant keep him :( . I also vote roo as well. Just based on that big red comb. My barred rock pullets developed larger, redder combs than my other breeds the same age. But they weren't as large as that one in the pic at that age. Just wait and see! You never know...

I want to wait but I think if I wait to long I may have to "shut him up". I may not have time to find him a home if I do not do the re-homing sooner then later.

I'm bumed:(
Mat..... I'm in Long Beach and we're not allowed any crowers either.  Having only mild trouble rehoming the roos I've hatched this spring. But.... have a few wee hens that may go nicely in your flock, all around the same age if you're interested!! 

PM me if you think you'd like to take a look...... BTW.... I'm in agreement, roo.  And I know virtually nothing about much at all.  :lau

Have a blue Copper Marans that's finding his way to a new home tomorrow and a few more that will be on their way soon...... darling wee boys that they are will cause nothing but broken hearts I'm sure. 


Thank you Jane!!! That is so nice:) I will talk it over with my wife and see if that is an option for us!

I know I'm asking a lot but can you post some photo's of the ones your giving away please!!
I've had a lot of luck with Craigslist for re-homing.  Just put a thoughtful or humorous post there, and make your intentions clear.  I put up a singles add for my little studmuffin, and I had people contacting me for months wanting him.  Here's the ad I posted:

"I am a hybrid 6 week old rooster looking for a bevy of fine young hens to romance and protect.

My interests include:

long walks in the yard

fine dining

keeping a good appearance (I am a city man after all)

dancing/strutting (very into the arts)


Please give me a try ladies, I promise not to disappoint.  My mother would love to keep me, but I find her house in the city to be too stifling for a manly shooting star such as myself.  I may look a little ragged now, but I should finish coloring into a soft white body with a beautiful gold to champagne colored saddle and hackles.

Dont I sound handsome?"


LoL!!! That is so funny and it is eye catching:) You ever in sales? Ha ha ha!!

I will use that for sure:) Thanks!!
Thank you Jane!!! That is so nice:) I will talk it over with my wife and see if that is an option for us!
I know I'm asking a lot but can you post some photo's of the ones your giving away please!!

If your giving one away:) Sorry if I assumed to much Jane!

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