Please tell me this is a pullet.... around 5 weeks


Nov 27, 2023
How can you tell she's a bantam?

That's a very good question. 😆 One I hadn't thought of -exactly- until you asked.

And yes, she looks like a bantam to me.

I also guess I gauge her against that wood plank- which isn't very tall- making her not very tall- even standing as tall as she can be. 😏

Her eyes look big to me. Chickens don't really have big eyes, of course! But the smaller the chicken, the bigger the eyes look- lol

Her little feet. How she is standing in the first picture- with her toes slightly overlapping- not lots of space there- I can't think of my big girls standing where they did this... 🤔 ( That's not to say they didn't stand like this) But I have seen my littles standing that way.

Hope this makes sense.

I could be 100% wrong and might be the only person in the world that looks at her and sees 'bantam' -lol- 🤣

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