PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

The "airline tubing" that my dad picked up look rather large in size. It doesn't say a size on it, so I'll include the picture. Is it too big? I don't want to hurt my girl.

That looks perfect!

Okay.... so we had three people help in the process. My dad held Fuzzy Bum, my mom held her beak open, and I put the tube in her mouth. It was very stressful. I saw a hole in her mouth that had a flap and was opening and closing. That was the hole I did not put the tube down. I put the tube down to the left of that hole. Was that the right hole? However, I did not know how far to put the tube, and I could not feel it in the crop. I pushing the syringe with the Exact formula from KayTee. I'm not sure if she got some in her crop, or if the solution just reached the end of the tube, but she started jumping, so i stopped and pulled the tube out. I hope she got some in her crop, but if she did, it wasn't very much. How much should I give her of the food? And how many times a day? The biggest syringe we have is 10 mL. I'm not exact sure of her weight, but it may be 2 or 2/2 pounds. We are going to try it again in the morning. I tried to tube feed her, but I'm not sure if I succeeded :(
However, listen to this. After this process, she became very alert and was moving her head all around. All of a sudden, a perfect egg popped out. Was this because she was stressed out? If she laid an egg, does that mean she's recovering?
Okay.... so we had three people help in the process. My dad held Fuzzy Bum, my mom held her beak open, and I put the tube in her mouth. It was very stressful. I saw a hole in her mouth that had a flap and was opening and closing. That was the hole I did not put the tube down. I put the tube down to the left of that hole. Was that the right hole? However, I did not know how far to put the tube, and I could not feel it in the crop. I pushing the syringe with the Exact formula from KayTee. I'm not sure if she got some in her crop, or if the solution just reached the end of the tube, but she started jumping, so i stopped and pulled the tube out. I hope she got some in her crop, but if she did, it wasn't very much. How much should I give her of the food? And how many times a day? The biggest syringe we have is 10 mL. I'm not exact sure of her weight, but it may be 2 or 2/2 pounds. We are going to try it again in the morning. I tried to tube feed her, but I'm not sure if I succeeded :(
However, listen to this. After this process, she became very alert and was moving her head all around. All of a sudden, a perfect egg popped out. Was this because she was stressed out? If she laid an egg, does that mean she's recovering?
It looks like 2 ounces at a time, that is 60ml. Probably three times a day. If I'm wrong, someone hopefully will correct me. Consider as well the hose is a bit wider and will fill up before the food starts to go into her crop, so you will lose a certain amount in the hose that won't make it, if that makes since. Maybe you mom could hold the hose as you fill the syringe each time. Measure the hose against her to her crop to get an idea of the length that needs to go in. The first few times she probably will fight with you.

The egg was probably due to come out. It may be awhile before she lays again because of the stress and pain she is in. It is hard to say.

If you can get a 60ml syringe, it might make it easier.

Also pat yourself on the back for trying to tube feed, it was most likely more successful than you think, this is a great experience. You will figure this out.
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tmlpike, you can also use Google to make free phone calls. My friend uses this as she does not have a cellphone. You would need your parent's permission and help to set it up, but it is an option if you'd like to try.

Kathy, if you have a smartphone you may be able to put skype on there. It's essentially free video chat. You can turn the video part off and just use voice, too, if your connection is slow.
tmlpike, you can also use Google to make free phone calls. My friend uses this as she does not have a cellphone. You would need your parent's permission and help to set it up, but it is an option if you'd like to try.

Kathy, if you have a smartphone you may be able to put skype on there. It's essentially free video chat. You can turn the video part off and just use voice, too, if your connection is slow.
@tmlpike Also Kathy has made reference to having an Ipad, if you have an ipad or ipod, you could do facetime as well with her for free.
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What i did the first time i tube fed is, i measured my tubing(used aquarium tubing) from crop to tip of beak,marked with a felt marker on tube(so i would know how far to push tube in)then i gently pushed tube in until i hit the marker point,then syringed feed in.

Feel her crop,this way you will know she has received enough feed.

Did you add the aspirin to feed?
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Thank you guys. But referring to my most previous post, did I put the mixture in the right hole? I've never been able to find a post or video that shows which hole to put it down. The hole that I did NOT put it down was in the middle, at the base of the tounge, that had a flap that opened and closed. The one that I did put the tube down wasn't visible to me, but it was to the left of the flap hole. The mixture I used was EXACT by Kaytee. And i put some olive oil at the base of the tube. I did not add anything to the mixture except water. I do not have any aspirin :( It's so difficult to measure how long it is from her beak to her crop because she is always crouched down and will not extend her neck. I will try to tube feed her again tomorrow morning.
Update? How is she? I would never be able to deal with something like this as well as you have. I've seen chickens bounce back from horrific things though, and you sound like a great mom! Keep trying, we're praying for ya!
Yes sounds like you did it correctly!! I promise it will get easier for you as time goes on. Feed her about three times a day.your doing a great job!

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