Plz help

Good luck with your poultry raising adventures,and I hope you find everything you need to know. Don't forget to take a look at BYC's very useful learning center (If you haven't already)! The learning center as well as the forum should answer your questions! Glad to have you here! I would bring them inside! They need to be warm and away from drafts.

Welcome to BYC!

Did the tornado miss you?? I hope all is well and that your family and birds are safe. Keep an eye on that broody and her babies!

Keep us posted.
I see that pose in my lavender Ameraucanas from time to time. I've got one chick this hatch that is so bad, she rolls right over backward when she drinks. But she and all the others thrive in every other way. I won't use them as breeders but it doesn't seem to effect their survival potential so if your bird is a just a "layer" you'll probably do just fine with her.
Yep they r just going to replace the old ones . She doesn't do it all the time just when she drinks . Maybe she was like that in here egg or something .
I see that pose in my lavender Ameraucanas from time to time. I've got one chick this hatch that is so bad, she rolls right over backward when she drinks. But she and all the others thrive in every other way. I won't use them as breeders but it doesn't seem to effect their survival potential so if your bird is a just a "layer" you'll probably do just fine with her.
Hi @drumstick diva ! I'm Dustie's friend and I hatched Sunshine (the one with the weird neck.) I don't know why she does it. She was the very first one to hatch and she would constantly look up. My names Riley. I thought that I would introduce my self. I see you on here all the time.
Hi @drumstick diva ! I'm Dustie's friend and I hatched Sunshine (the one with the weird neck.) I don't know why she does it. She was the very first one to hatch and she would constantly look up. My names Riley. I thought that I would introduce my self. I see you on here all the time.
She was the second ! Remember uno was the first !

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