poll: are you legal or an outlaw?

Legal, as long as they don't get too close to my neighbor's houses
I am illegal here, southeast of Cincinnati. I am keeping my fingers crossed that my girls stay in hiding. I am not in a subdivision, so there should be no problems. AIf I lived in the city, I would be legal. These laws make no sense to me............What's new there!

Sandy and Lucy, Ethel and Maude
I am very illegal I live in the middle of the city with neighbors on all sides.
but my neighbors are cool they love my birds even my rooster he crows all the time and nobody cares I have now had the chickens and rooster for over 3 years and I have also had goats for over 2 years.

I have a privacy fence and nice neighbors!!!!!

plus my neighbors get free eggs.
Legal here in the Northern Panhandle of WV, but the city code enforcers didn't know the law and gave me a bit of grief on the phone when I called to see if I needed a permit for the coop.

I was quite amused at how they insisted I was not allowed, even when I quoted the exact section of the code that permitted them. They called me back and apologized for not knowing I was permitted to have them! And answered my question: I didn't need a permit for the coop.

Since my house is on a dead end and situated well away from my neighbors' houses (the coop can't be seen easily and the chickens are in a secure run), I don't think anyone is bothered with them enough to do anything to change the code.
Totally legal.
I live on 50 acres with my grandmother. Hardly anyone knows we have birds.
Just inside city limits by about 100 feet...supposed to have up to 4 hens. We have 5 roosters and 21 hens, so I guess that's technically illegal.

But it is a very tiny town and my daughter is on the zoning committee...so no one has said anything.

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