Poop Chute?

from Utah. What you need is a giant boot, as that seems to collect poop the best.
All's I'm saying is, probably hundreds of thousands if not *millions* of people before you have put at least as much energy into the exact same goal, and if a certain design has never become popular there is usually a reason why
Not *always* but *usually*. Get some chickens first, see what they do, see what poo is really like

Honestly, I don't see the need for a poop board, unless a person was cleaning their coop from an outside access door....My chickens do it on the ground, under the roost, and it is always completely dry, by that evening. I rake it up, occasionally, and put it in my tea barrel.
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See my BYC page for pics of my Coop/Run with the Deep litter Method that has been in use over 15 years. A tried and true method that I read about from a book printed in the 50's describing small farm techniques that have worked for centuries.
I have bantams with smaller droppings than a standard chicken, and I kept my young chicks in a large bird cage indoors with 1/2 wire spacing. Here's what I found: a good percentage of the droppings caught on the wire and stuck. In my opinion, it was a lot more work to clean the tray underneath plus scrape the droppings off the wire than it is just to pull out a droppings tray under the roost and dump its contents into my composter. A quick scrape to get the cecal poops (those are the wet ones), a quick spray with the garden hose, and my trays are clean to go back into the coop.

I came to chicken keeping after years of keeping other birds indoors, so my husbandary standards are affected by that background. I like to spend a few minutes every day cleaning up the coop rather than face a big job once or twice a year of cleaning out the accumulated droppings from the deep litter method. Plus, the idea of letting the chickens scratch around in a deep bed of litter mixed with droppings just doesn't appeal to me.
darkmatter...i love your byc page
simple easy and the way i am going to reorganize my stuff lol.
I know this is an old subject but I am wondering if your "poop pyramid" idea ever worked out? I am about to build my first coop and I was planning on doing the same thing under my coop.

A wire floor with a funnel leading to a bucket so I can just throw it in the composter.

The idea I had that would make this feasible is an hydraphobic spray that would make it impossible for the chicken feces to actually stick to the wire or funnel. (see http://www.neverwet.com/)

This product has not come out just yet BUT I have seen another product that does the exact same thing. (http://www.shinearama.co.uk/gtechniq-i1-smart-fabric-500ml.html)

You can see the videos of people pouring hersheys syrup right onto their canvas shoes and it wisps away like nothing happened. If it can do this, I think it can handle a little chicken poop.

The only concerns I can see with it would be if it is safe for the chickens to come in contact with. It should be safe for the animals to touch as it is a product that is used on car seats which come in contact with human skin and pets (but I will verify on the label before I spray it on anything when I purchase it). If this is the case I will not be spraying it on the wire itself, but rather just the funnel. I will probably spray it on the outside of the coop as well to weatherproof it! Less maintenance in the long run.

Let me know if you ever found a solution to this, I would love to see some pictures.


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