Porcelain d Uccle Went blind!


In the Brooder
Sep 2, 2017
I have a Porcelain d Uccle hen that’s about a year old. I’m pretty sure that she’s never layed an egg in her life. We had a rooster problem a couple weeks ago (we got rid of the roosters) and she lost some back feathers, so we brought her and her companion inside to take care of them while they grew feathers back. After about a week she stopped sleeping on the perch I had for them and was sleeping on the ground. The next night she spent the whole night eating, didn’t sleep hardly at all. Then, about 2 days later she got really sick. She was sleeping constantly, we would pick her up and she’d instantly close her eyes to go back to sleep. We would then have to feed her and water her because she didn’t eat on her own. She just pecks the air around the food and water but constantly misses. We got her antibiotics that this website suggested and have been giving those to her. Her eyes have been getting cloudy and cloudier. Today they’re completely grey and I can barely see the color in them. I’m afraid that she’s now gone blind. I did a vision test on her by putting my finger infront of eyes and she didn’t react at all. I don’t want to have to put her down :(
Hi, thanks for tagging me. Is she still sick? When she gets better, if not already, she can Probobly live a pretty noreal life, ground perches, make sure she know where the food and water is. If the other chickens start to pick on her, I'd get her a chick or two to keep her company. She might need a separate flock. I've also found my leghorn, who is quite dominate to be a good friend of Amber, my blind hen. Hope she gets better.

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