Possible bugs?

May 13, 2018
My rooster has had some bald spots for months. He has a spot on his neck and one next to his tail. When it started, I thought he was molting. I checked him over for bugs and found nothing. I then thought maybe the girls were picking at him and have given them things to entertain them and let them free range a couple of times a week. Their coop is 10×12 and they have 240 (ish) sq ft enclosed run. There are 13 chickens total. Anyway, I checked him yesterday and he still has problem spots. This is what I found on him (still could not find bugs). It honestly looks like clumps of dirt. Just trying to determine how to treat. I apologize for the not great pics. I was doing it one handed why he screamed at me like a drama Queen. No one else in the flock is showing the same symptoms.
Do you see any of that kind of debris around his vent area?

The pods around the feather shafts look like egg sacs but that is an odd place for them.

I posted a link yesterday from The Chicken Chick’s blog that had some great photos... scroll down to yesterday’s threads, there is another bug question.
I will check his vent area when I go back out to the coop. I went through the Chicken Chicks article yesterday and still don't feel confident on what it is. I was going to go with lice but without finding bugs, I wasn't sure.

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