Possible Bumblefoot


Jun 6, 2022
I’ve had a few hens with bumblefood before but they have been very minor cases and I’ve gotten them fixed up easily.
Is this bumblefoot? I didn’t have time to clean the foot but I took a quick picture. It looks like it in the middle of the foot in the center pad area. Since I’ve only had minor cases, what should I do for this if it IS bumblefoot?
Any certain remedies anyone recommends?


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Yes, that is a case of mild bumblefoot. It is not bad enough to do the surgery. Has she been limping at all? I would probably soak her feet in some warm Epsom salts for about 15 minutes daily to soften the scab. After a few few days, you could try removing the scab and then squeeze out any pus or solid core. Alternate ways to deal with this is to apply Betadine and sugar mixed into a paste to the sore, and wrap in a bandage for a couple of days. Some also use a drawing salve called Prid to the wound, and wrap it. Look around at the bedding on your coop floor, and around their run and ranging area for any sharp rocks. If your roosts have any splinters or rough areas, sanding those down might help prevent future small cuts which can cause bumblefoot. Here is a good article about bumble prevention:

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