Possible Coccidiosis Case Please Help (EMERGENCY)


Free Ranging
Jan 5, 2023
An hour from everywhere
Some of you know my hen Mrs. Clean-egg, who I saved after she was attacked by other chickens (cannibalism).

I took her in for a bath this morning and she was really lethargic, then she let go a yellow poop. That morning she had let go a white poop. She is drinking lots, but not eating very much. I tried electrolyte water. I still cannot get her to eat anything. Right now she is in the barn with a nice clean dry cage with clean water with ACV in it. She also has fermented feed and some plain old food.

no blood in the poop but her crop is big and full
OK. If she hasn't been eating much and her crop is full she may have a blockage from her crop.
It is important to feel her crop first thing in the morning before she has eaten anything. It should be empty or nearly empty. If it isn't it means you have a blockage going on.
Does her breath smell funny? Like yeast?
There is a good article on how to tell what you are dealing with when there are crop issues - link below.

OK. If she hasn't been eating much and her crop is full she may have a blockage from her crop.
It is important to feel her crop first thing in the morning before she has eaten anything. It should be empty or nearly empty. If it isn't it means you have a blockage going on.
Does her breath smell funny? Like yeast?
There is a good article on how to tell what you are dealing with when there are crop issues - I have to run right now but can come back and give you the link.
I saw that article and no her breath does not smell bad like yeast

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