Possible Gangrene? Graphic Pics Warning


Free Ranging
6 Years
Aug 14, 2017
Southeast Alabama
Warning! This thread contains some pics that may affect the "weak of stomach" in a negative way. Involuntary regurgitation is a possibility for those with a snowflake's intestinal fortitude! .

Seriously though, I found another little chicken that got over the fence. And it has a broken foot now. This is the second bird in two months I have found like this. The first one had two broken feet. I reset them as best I could and keep her in a cage for a month till she was screaming to get back out. She's out there free ranging with the rest, hobbling around but doing ok.
The one I found day before yesterday has only one broke foot but isn't doing too well.
Both look like something tries to eat their feet or at least bit them on the feet.
I'm about to put up the graphic pics so here's you chance to say bye and not look.

This is the little Peckerhead with the broken foot I'm dealing with today.
And here is his foot.

Other than my MIL that died of gangrene, I have none, zero, no experience with it. All the pics I googled, appeared to look like black rotting flesh. I am hoping this is just some pretty severe bruising.
Any advise will be appreciated.

PS the other bird's feet went totality black for a while, but never green like this.
Green in chickens is bruising, and that goes along with the swelling in the foot from the injury. The foot could be broken or badly sprained. Here is some reading about bruising:
Thanks @Eggcessive .
Now that I know it's not gangrene, I need to figure out what is happening to these birds feet. Both birds with broken feet were found outside of the fence so I don't think it was the dog.
The first one had two broken feet and I thought it might have been hit by a car since I found it way up next to the road in the ditch.
I don't think it's the dog, he loves his chickens and protects them, shares his food with them, he even lays down with them, tries to pet them with his paw and even licks them.
Can anyone think of a predator that like to chomp on chicken feet?
the pic is to blerd to see
It's a little too dark to find that bird amongst 100 in the trees tonight. But I will try to get a better pic of the little rascal tomorrow, but it can be difficult to hold a bird in one hand and try to take a pic with the other hand. This dang phone is nearly too big to hold with just one hand, and hit the shutter button. But maybe it won't be quite as "blerd".:gig

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