Possible Wasp Sting? Swelling and Pussing, with Picture


8 Years
Jul 9, 2011
North Carolina
I have a chicken that I believe was stung by a wasp in our coop. She was hanging out near the wasp's nest one day, and when I came out in the evening to put everyone to bed, I noticed the swelling. My sister also says she saw what looked like a place where the stinger might be, but I have not seen a hole or any other indication of an entry point. The swelling has not gotten much worse but her skin has turned more pale and she is leaking a bubbly fluid out of the eye on the swelling side.

Any suggestions as to how I should treat this? Or will it just go away naturally within a few days?


No, she's actually acting quite normal. She doesn't seem to be in any pain, she's eating and drinking well, etc. Aside from the swelling, you wouldn't even know anything was wrong with her.
Hopefully her swollen eye is from a sting or a peck, but if you can't see an obvious mark from a sting, then I would watch for nasal drainage, sneezing, gasping, or noisy breathing. Those can be signs of MG (mycoplasma) or another respiratory disease. If you see any of those, or if the swelling and eye bubbles continue, get some Tylan 50 injectable, and give her 1 ml orally once or twice a day for 5 days. You will need a a few needles and syringes to withdraw the medicine from the vial. You can also give it by injection instead for 3 days. Here is a good link about that and other common diseases: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ps044

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