Possibly Injured Chicken


Dec 14, 2023
QLD Australia
My 14 week old hen Tucky after getting stuck under the fence after escaping my yard and going to the neighbours is acting different. Ever since that she has been breathing so fast. She even started sleeping on my lap which she never does. She may sit on me but never actually got comfy and started sleeping since she was a baby. Her voice has changed allot and sounds like a mature hen. She has been allot slower and allot less skittish when I pick her up. Is she ok?
Is she breathing fast all of the time? Normal respiration rate for a chicken is about 15 to 30 breaths per minute. Are her resting resperations more than that?

How long was she stuck under the fence? Does she have any outward injuries you can observe? Is she eating and drinking normally?

What is the temperature where you are? Do you think it could be too hot for her? It sounds like she stays in your house sometimes.

As hens get older they are less skittish and will squat when you go to pick them up. If she is also the only chicken and she doesn't have any sisters maybe she is "roosting" with you by sitting on your lap.
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My 14 week old hen Tucky after getting stuck under the fence after escaping my yard and going to the neighbours is acting different. Ever since that she has been breathing so fast. She even started sleeping on my lap which she never does. She may sit on me but never actually got comfy and started sleeping since she was a baby. Her voice has changed allot and sounds like a mature hen. She has been allot slower and allot less skittish when I pick her up. Is she ok?
Oh no, poor Tucky! 😟 After her escape adventure, it seems like she's going through some changes. Chickens can get a bit frazzled after a stressful situation. Here's the lowdown on helping her out:

1. Cuddle Time: It's cool that she's finding comfort in your lap. Keep up with the extra cuddles and attention. Maybe she just needs some extra love to get back on track.

2. Voice Makeover: A change in her clucks and squawks could be a response to stress. Keep an ear out for any wheezing or raspy sounds, as that might indicate a respiratory issue.

3. Watchful Eyes: Keep a close eye on her overall behavior. Make sure she's eating, drinking, and strutting around like her usual self. If anything seems off, it might be worth a trip to the chicken doctor (vet).

4. Chill Zone: Create a chill space for her in the coop or run. Make sure it's cozy with her favorite bedding, and maybe throw in a few tasty treats to lift her spirits.

5. Routine Check: Check her for any cuts, bruises, or signs of injury. If she got stuck, there could be some bumps and scrapes that need your chicken first aid skills.

Remember, chickens can be drama queens (or kings). With a bit of extra care, she'll hopefully bounce back to her feathered fabulousness! 🐔💖 Keep an eye on her, and sending good vibes for Tucky's quick recovery! 🌟🐓
1. Cuddle Time: It's cool that she's finding comfort in your lap. Keep up with the extra cuddles and attention. Maybe she just needs some extra love to get back on track.
Thank you! She’s okay now I was just majorly paranoid as usual. Maybe a little less cuddle time. I check on her every half hour and pick her up for cuddles. Shes my little princess. I feel crazy.

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