Possibly Sick Turkey


In the Brooder
May 24, 2022
I have two broad breasted bronze turkey Toms who are 13 weeks old. The last couple days I've noticed ones tail has been a bit drooped. He has had some inconsistent diarrhea (between diarrhea and normal poops). More recently I noticed his wings have started drooping a bit and he's definitely not as active as our other Tom but still eating and drinking normally. I'm finding it hard to find any resources on the internet regarding turkeys and being a first time turkey owner, i don't want to treat him for something if that's not the issue but I'm worried about him. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
I have two broad breasted bronze turkey Toms who are 13 weeks old. The last couple days I've noticed ones tail has been a bit drooped. He has had some inconsistent diarrhea (between diarrhea and normal poops). More recently I noticed his wings have started drooping a bit and he's definitely not as active as our other Tom but still eating and drinking normally. I'm finding it hard to find any resources on the internet regarding turkeys and being a first time turkey owner, i don't want to treat him for something if that's not the issue but I'm worried about him. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
I am not saying that your turkey is not sick. It is normal for turkeys to have runnier than normal droppings in times of high heat and drinking a lot of water. They will droop their wings and spread them away from their bodies to aid in keeping their bodies from getting too hot.
I am not saying that your turkey is not sick. It is normal for turkeys to have runnier than normal droppings in times of high heat and drinking a lot of water. They will droop their wings and spread them away from their bodies to aid in keeping their bodies from getting too hot.
That's what I was thinking it might be. The last couple days have been humid and much warmer so I've trying to make sure they fresh cold water, plenty of shade, a vent fan in their coop, and cold water in a low pan they can step in. It's supposed to cool down after Thursday so I'll just keep a close eye on him.
I just feel like something is off with him and I can figure it out. He's been lethargic the last couple days, but it's also been hot and humid. Our other turkey Tom seems more normal though, but this one has less energy. Still eating/drinking. I just don't know what to do and can't seem to find any answers that fit.
What color is the feces that is loose? Are you keeping them with chickens or chickens close by? If you feel he is sick try giving him penicilin, I use tablets at 500 mg the first day and 250 mg for the next six days, if they have an infection this will normally clear it up. If it is blackhead then you have to catch it early enough with the penicillin they you may only be able to save about 50% of the birds treated. I have had three get blackhead this year and manage to save two. The problem with most avian species is that when they get sick you have hours, not days, to get them on a treatment program because they usually will not last very long.
What color is the feces that is loose? Are you keeping them with chickens or chickens close by? If you feel he is sick try giving him penicilin, I use tablets at 500 mg the first day and 250 mg for the next six days, if they have an infection this will normally clear it up. If it is blackhead then you have to catch it early enough with the penicillin they you may only be able to save about 50% of the birds treated. I have had three get blackhead this year and manage to save two. The problem with most avian species is that when they get sick you have hours, not days, to get them on a treatment program because they usually will not last very long.
Where can someone get the Penicillin?
My Clyde (heritage Tom ) started hanging his wings today. Hasn’t done this before. I thought could be heat but it’s not hotter than any other day. He poop is also watery. Any guidance is greatly appreciated. On a side note my female Guinea fowl has a respiratory infection and green poo. She is currently on her 2nd day of Baytril. Just wanted to add this incase it something in common. He is not sneezing or anything else etc

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