Post Phoenix Pics Please


my golden and his hen

Do you guys think this will end up fine or yall think I should move a couple to their own box...this is the first time 5 hens are willing to hatch the same clutch

I would separate. I had Co - broodies once and they did well most of the time. A couple of times right after hatch they were running off another hen then accidentally turned on each other. In the meantime the poor chicks didn't know what to do. I can't imagine 5 broody mama so fighting.
Would you suggest separating them with some eggs as well...i just don't wanna have them leave the nest and let the poor chicks go cold...I've bend reading that it's really trickyto move a broody hen
That's true. You can try moving them at night with the eggs but be ready to save the eggs if they jump out of the nest. Or you can just broody bust some of them.

The other risk with so many in the nest is the babies can be trampled during hatch if anyone decided to re - position.
You are right....that's what just happened with 2 of my cochin hens ....i let them hatch together which are in fact very good mom's....hatched 14....which I believe 2 of them got smothered by the hens after I found em dead....will separate tonight
I hatched eggs given to me by a coworker who has hundreds of free-ranging chickens of many different breeds and types. Needless to say, we hatched some interesting birds!
She doesn't remember what breeds she has, but says this one looks like one of the type that grows an extremely long tail. Could it be a Phoenix mix? Hatch was around the last week of April, so it's about 5 weeks old.
I hatched eggs given to me by a coworker who has hundreds of free-ranging chickens of many different breeds and types. Needless to say, we hatched some interesting birds!
She doesn't remember what breeds she has, but says this one looks like one of the type that grows an extremely long tail. Could it be a Phoenix mix? Hatch was around the last week of April, so it's about 5 weeks old.
I'm pretty inexperienced when it comes to phoenixes. Nothing about that chick says for sure phoenix heritage, maybe once it's grown if it has really long feathers you'll know.
That kinda looks like a silver phoenix pullet tho...mixed some barring.
Whose? Mine or Pjnbill22's?

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