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All that you did on her tootsies worked ! Can't wait to see her in full feather as a hen.

She should hopefully have her feathers back within the next week or two. Not sure if she will start laying again though as mine usually stop for the winter at the end of October. She needs to remind her little Welsummer sister who is boss because Lilly seems to be getting the impresion she is!
Those are pullets. The other though, I still have reservations about. Not calling it, as it could possibly still be a cockerel. Or I could be wrong. just not going to commit on that one.
Well the first one I posted, I was thinking cockerel but heck if I know what I'm taking about lol. It was a lot lighter then the others, and red in the face.

My BO Goldie, finally filling out, I just wish she would lay already!
What is everyone doing today? I have a day off so I am going to go up to see the hens when the rain stops!

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